Membership fees and other costs

AQTN’s current fees and pricing

As a non-profit association, we do not charge taxes.

Most activities, one-day trainings and meetings held during the year are free for members.

Membership and other AQTN fees
Cost of renewing (all designations): 145.00 $
Renewal fee for seniors 65 years and up: 100.00 $
First year of membership (all included) for Registered massage therapists & Kinesitherapists: 110.00 $ + 25.00 $
First year of membership (all included) for Naturopaths & Naturotherapists: 160.00 $ + 25.00 $
Errors & Omissions – Liability Insurance: Preferential rates with BFL Canada
Fee for one pack of 50 receipts: 10.00 $
Fee for an additional three packs (150 receipts): 22.50 $
Administrative fee to reproduce documents such as a receipt for your income taxes for therapists who are not members in good standing: 25.00 $ (free for active members)
Changing or adding a designation once a member: 45.00 $, (includes a new professional certificate and 50 receipts).
Application evaluation time (Naturo): 15 days or less
Application evalution time (Masso): 5 days or less
Opening a new file and evaluation of a new application 25 $
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