Étude inspirée par un psychologue québécois sur les caractéristiques des meilleurs massothérapeutes


Durant plus d’une année, nous avons collecté des données sur le degré de succès des massothérapeutes combiné avec des facteurs de personnalité afin de tenter de trouver le type idéal sur les quatres axes. À notre grande surprise, il n’y avait qu’un seul axe sur lequel l’écart était statistiquement significatif (les introvertis) – les autres ne varieaient pas assez pour inférer que le thérapeute possédant ces traits n’ait un avantage concurrentiel dans le marché.

Vous pouvez vous évaluer vous-mêmes aussi, simplement utiliser le Psychological Type Sorter – un questionnaire qui cible les variables de personnalité.


For more than one year, we collected data on the degree of success of massage therapists combined with personality factors in an attempt to find a correlation between the two on the four major axes being studied. Some of North America’s leading Massage Therapy Magazines also threw in their support by sharing the link to the tool that was created by a psychologist with decades of experience. We were hoping to find a strong pattern that could be correlated with the type of person who is successful.

Much to our surprise, we only found one axe out of the four that had a variation that was statistically significant – the others did not vary enough to infer that the therapist having these traits had a concurrent advantage.

Overview of the four types

  • Introverts are more likely to express having success that extroverts.
  • Neither sensing nor intuitive traits predominantly express success.
  • Feeling is more closely related to success than thinking, but not with a large variation.
  • Perceiving is more closely related to success than judging, but not with a large variation.

You can assess yourself also, for free, using the tool Psychological Type Sorter questionnaire to assess your personality factors.