Attention : House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Sample letter sent to the House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A-0A2.
As many as 71% of Canadians use Natural Health Products (NHPs) as part of their proactive healthcare. Canadians deserve access to safe, effective products that include many necessities, including access to quality multi-vitamins, toothpaste, sunscreen, and deodorant.
As Canadians take a more active role in their health, this sector continues to grow. A recent economic report concluded that NHPs contribute $5.5B to directly to GDP and $2.8B in taxable revenue. Across the country, NHPs are available at pharmacies, health food stores, grocery stores and independent retailers, employing over 50,000 Canadians in the sector.
However, recent regulatory changes are threatening the livelihood of the bedrock of this industry, which is mainly comprised of small to medium-sized businesses. The piecemeal changes pushed through this past year have raised many questions regarding the viability of theses businesses in Canada. From that same economic report, 1 out of 5 brands reported they were considering leaving the Canadian market due to the increased cost and complexity associated with operating compliantly in Canada.
While these regulatory changes intend to keep Canadians safe, we are concerned that over-regulation will have the opposite effect. Through the 90-day personal importation allowance, Canadians can purchase NHPs from online international marketplaces. These marketplaces are not monitored by Health Canada and offer brands that operate outside Canada’s regulatory framework. By strangling compliant products in red tape and driving prices up and accessibility down, consumers may opt to get unmonitored brands online, putting Canadian’s health and safety at risk.
On behalf of our concerned association, I am asking you to raise these issues with the Minister of Health and urge his team to work with industry leaders to embrace modern labeling and adjust Health Canada’s proposed cost recovery rates to accurately reflect the size and scope of the industry.
5070 Fountain Street North, Breslau, Ontario N0B 1M0
Phone : (519) 648-2050
Email : info@nhppa.org