Cells, tissues, organs, organisms : the levels of organization that gives rise to us humans, at times healthy, and unfortunately, at times not. This video was produced with a low-end light microscope in a lab. With over 15,000 views, this makes it one of our most popular videos on You Tube. The impacts of various […]

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Version française ci-bas. Need help understanding and measuring client pain or anxiety? We have started the research for you ! Most research on Complementary alternative medicine (CAM) points in a similar direction: CAM has a measurable impact primarily on stress, anxiety and pain. These are often symptoms of an underlying medical condition, and they all […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Raspberries, also know as Rubus idaeus remain as one the most consumed berries internationally. The fruit belongs to the same botanical family as the rose and the blackberry and began to be cultivated in England and France in about 1600. The name originates from “raspise” which means “a sweet rose-colored wine”. The […]

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Être en même temps travailleur autonome et salarié, c’est possible : découvrez comment. ** Ce texte vise uniquement à informer. Veuillez consulter la source via le site Des Normes Du Travail. Il y a régulièrement des changements, des ajouts et des révisions ** Quoique vous pouvez être un travailleur autonome fiscalement parlant, il peut être […]

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