
L’IMMUNITÉ Trois tests sanguins (prescription médecale requise) courants pour évaluer l’immunité sont   L’INFLAMMATION Deux tests sanguins (prescription médicale requise) couramment utilisés pour évaluer l’inflammation dans le corps sont   LA SANTÉ MENTALE Les naturopathes adoptent une approche holistique pour traiter la santé mentale, en se concentrant sur l’équilibre du corps et de l’esprit dans […]

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Click on the following to go directly to the section.   MULTIPLE DRUG CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES   ANTI-ANXIETY DRUGS AND SEDATIVES Sedatives is a close (though not perfect) synonym of antianxiety drugs, also known as anxiolytics. These are medications that are used to treat symptoms of anxiety. These drugs work by altering the levels of certain […]

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Respiratory System: Sleep Apnea Some basic physics of breathing and advantages: Air pressure goes from high to low. Slow breathing increases parasympathetic response (exhale) and lowers sympathetic response (inhale). Shortness of breath during times of stress: our breathing becomes shallow. Three systems that benefit considerably from proper breathing: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous. Extending exhale emphasizes longer […]

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As human beings, we don’t synthesize most of the co-enzymes we need. We get them from our diet in the form of vitamins, which each have a series of metabolic processes (chemical reactions) that take place before becoming a co-enzyme, such as co-enzyme A or the well known molecule NAD. The following table provides a […]

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