Substitutions alimentaires pour l’auto-gestion et la prévention des maladies métaboliques et pour une meilleure santé. Chaque fiche Ciqual fournit la composition nutritionnelle en 67 possibles constituants, selon les données disponibles : protéines, lipides, glucides, acides gras, sucres, vitamines et minéraux…

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Added in July 2021 : USDA researchers found GABA was generated through the fermentation of brined cucumbers, which has positive health benefits such as reducing blood pressure, improving decision making, reducing anxiety, and boosting immunity. [ Read the full article on the USDA website ] / [ Full study on Science Direct […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Added in July 2021 : The USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) recently identified over 1,500 phytochemicals in watermelon, concluding it is excellent to increase antioxidants, non-protein amino acids and lycopene. Eating watermelon improves the health of your cells, organs and nervous system. It is recommended to get 1.5 to 2 cups of […]

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Français ci-dessous Blueberries, categorized as Cyanococcus belong to the genus Vaccinium, which also includes cranberries, bilberries, and huckleberries. Blueberries, as we know them today, are native to North America. A variety of the high bush blueberry was introduced into Europe during the 1930s. The shrubs that the fruit grow on can vary in size from […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Raspberries, also know as Rubus idaeus remain as one the most consumed berries internationally. The fruit belongs to the same botanical family as the rose and the blackberry and began to be cultivated in England and France in about 1600. The name originates from “raspise” which means “a sweet rose-colored wine”. The […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Cherries originated between the Black and Caspian Seas in Asia Minor and developed in Europe. It is said that Greeks cultivated the fruit first. The fruit then became essential to the Romans. Prior to 1630, English Colonists introduced the fruit to the New World. In this current day, the largest producers of […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS The apple is one of the oldest species of fruit in existence. Apples were popular among the Ancient Greeks and Romans and still remain the most popular fruits internationally. Apple originates from Central America of the apple tree Malus Domestica, however, are grown all over the world. They are delicious, sweet, crunchy […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Sweet corn (Zea mays) is a vegetable belonging to maize group. It is a monocot in the grass family, Gramineae. It is one of the most popular cereal grains in the world. The vegetable is grown in many countries across the world but, the seed (or grain) is native to Central America. […]

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VERSION FRANCAISE CI-BAS Typically known as a vegetable, the tomato is actually a fruit. Also known as Solanum lycopersicum, it is a berry of a plant from the nightshade family, endemic to South America. When fully matured they are red in color, however, they can also be found in yellow, green and purple. Consisting of […]

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Traduction en français ci-dessous. The red bell pepper (also known as capsicum) is botanically a fruit; however, they are considered as vegetables in the culinary context. It originates from the nightshade family closely associated with chili peppers, tomatoes, and breadfruit, all of which are local to Central and South America. Other than red, bell peppers […]

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Traduction en français ci-dessous. The eggplant is also known as aubergine, garden egg, guinea squash, melongene, and brinjal. The size of the vegetable vary from a long oblong to a small egg-like shape with a rich purple color, however, shades of white and green can also be found. Common amongst the Mediterranean diet, the eggplant is […]

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